Friday, January 29, 2010

Ways to manage Online Reputation Crisis

One day you discover that your online reputation is being attacked. You may be a celebrity, or own a reputed company or service. You'll feel like you've been kicked in the ribs to see someone wage an attack on your good name. In this situation, it's important that you don't panic. It can happen to anyone, not only to bigger companies or celebrities.

What’s important is how you react. You need to take enough precautions and have an online crisis communication plan–that you can quickly follow when the inevitable reputation attack occurs. Or you can get the help of an online reputation crisis managing service company. Even before getting the help of a reputation management company, you need to take your own adequate measures. Some of the steps you can take as precautionary measures are:

1. Check for facts:- Gather all the facts and evaluate with appropriate response.

2. Determine the impact:- Respond, if you have found that there is a need after checking the impact. The response should be authoritative and from someone accountable within your company. Also seek advise from those around you.

3. Identify your detractor:- Whoever has acted behind the scenes to spread the malicious rumours to spread, What’s important is to identify your detractor, so that you know whom are you dealing with and what is their motivation.

4. Decide on the appropriate response:- If you discover that the report is false, then you have every right to approach the detractor and request the retraction of malignant content. What you require at this point is Sincerity, Transparency, and Consistency.

5. Host the conversation:- By publishing a post to your company blog, or broadcasting an apology, you’ll ensure the public that your sincerity, transparency, and consistency, are not lost in the noise.

7. After the problem is settled:- You need to constantly work to ensure bloggers, forums, and other social media sites are an integral part of the PR efforts. Whether you as a company or celebrity, need to continue monitor that any negative contents are still hovering over the internet.

In this age of transparency for details, your online reputation is just as important as any other component of your marketing efforts. It can be years efforts spending millions of money building your good name. Without proper care and attention, a simple blog or rumours can bring it crashing down. Make plans now and then if you can't do it your own get the help of a good Reputation Crisis Management Company, instead of hitting the panic button.

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